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Our treatments are not recommended for clients suffering from any of the symptoms below

  • Acute stage of respiratory attack
  • Stage 3 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Intoxication due to alcohol or non-prescription drugs
  • In your first trimester of pregnancy (consult your doctor thereafter)
  • Have a communicable or infectious skin condition, disorder, or diseases, or open sores
  • If you are a diabetic unless you it is under medical control, and you have consulted your doctor.
  • Have a pacemaker/defibrillator (please consult your doctor)
  • Cardiac insufficiency, epilepsy, seizures or blackouts and have not received your doctor’s permission to use the float, sauna or salt therapy.
  • Are experiencing a heavy menstrual period or external vaginal episode.
  • Have a condition which may be adversely affected by cutaneous absorption of magnesium.
  • Have kidney disease
  • Have incontinence or voluntary / involuntary release of bodily fluids of any kind.
  • Haemorrhage
  • Haemoptysis (spitting up blood)
  • Hypertension – Stage 2 or secondary – This is when the reading is above 160/100.
  • Hypertension – Severe – This is when the reading is above 180/120.
  • Under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs OR have taken drugs in the last 7 days.
FAQs: Your Questions Answered at Seomra Salainn


Here is our list of frequently asked questions, if we are missing a question, you think is important, please email us at so we can add it to these and make your experience even more relaxing.

Do I need to bring anything with me for my float?

Nope, just yourself. Fresh towels, optional earplugs, body wash, shampoo and conditioner are provided. If you have long hair you might want to bring a hairbrush or hairdryer (Sockets available in the room).

How do we keep our floatation tank clean?

Our float tank solution is sanitised for 30 minutes between floats with a powerful UV filtration system, and a 1-micron bag filter to capture any contaminants or debris and we use food-grade hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant. Our tank’s interiors and all touch points are sanitised after every float with a Chorine spray. We have a heat recovery system and a UVC CLEAN AIR SYSTEM with a HEPA filter installed in the centre to ensure the air is 99.99% clean.

If I have dyed my hair, can I float?

If you’ve had your hair dyed, you must wait 7 days after it before scheduling your float.

What do I need to do before floating?

Come relaxed and ready to let go. Your time in the tank will be much more beneficial if you arrive ready to relax. Make sure to not drink caffeine at least 6 hours prior to your float to ensure your body can reach a deep state of relaxation. DO NOT shave the day of your float.

How many times do I need to float to see results?

Unlike other therapies, you will feel the benefits from your first session. It must be noted the more often you float the more beneficial it will become. You will need to do 2-3 sessions before you really notice the benefits of flotation for you personally. It takes a few times for your body to adjust to this unique environment.

What do I wear in the tank?

We ask that you wear swimwear.

What if I fall asleep?

If you fall asleep, the water is so buoyant you stay afloat. The 12 inches of water in the float tank is very dense thanks to over 500 kilograms of Epsom salt. It is extremely buoyant and will support your body completely. For your body to turn over in the tank is very difficult, but if it does, the salt in the water would sting your eyes and wake you immediately.

What if I suffer from claustrophobia?

People with claustrophobia consistently report no problems with floating, and our float tank is 7.5ft by 4.5ft so it’s one of the biggest tanks on the market at present. Besides You are always in complete control of the session. You can open the lid at any time and it’s spring mounted so very easily opened even with the touch of a finger. You can keep the light on for the duration of the session and there is a call bell button in the tank if you need assistance.

Is floating well for expectant mums?

Absolutely, a pregnant woman will get even more benefits from floating than others. The extra weight carried by the mother-to-be can be very stressful due to the forces of gravity. Floating eliminates the negative effects of gravity which can cause joint pain, inflammation, and stress on the organs as well as the unborn baby.

I have just got a new tattoo, can I float?

Floating in salt water and fresh tattoos do not mix! Not only could floating with a fresh tattoo be painful but the solution we use in the water may cause fading or discolouration of your tattoo and permanently ruin its aesthetic appeal. Therefore, we insist you do not float until at least 14 days after getting your tattoo.

Do I have to wear earplugs?

Earplugs are provided and are optional, we do highly recommend you use these as they will keep the salt water from getting in your ears and will also help with completely soundproofing your float tank experience. If you have a history of ear issues including infections and are concerned about getting water in your ears, you may want to bring earplugs you trust to protect your ears or use our new neck pillows to keep your ears above the water.

Are there people who shouldn’t float?

Please see our full list of contraindications, which is on our website also.

Can I float if I have my period?

Yes. you can float while menstruating. Just use the appropriate sanitary products (tampons or menstrual cups) it is the same if you were to go swimming while on your period, you must take the same precautions.

What if I can’t swim?

You do not need to be able to swim to use our float tank. Just think of it going to sleep on a waterbed. Just step in and the water will do the rest.

What temperature is the water?

The temperature of the water is kept at 35 degrees Celsius, which is the same temperature as the human body in general. We keep the water set at this temperature as it is known as skin-receptor neutral, which means your body feels no different from being in the water, so it does not react to the new environment allowing you to completely relax.

FAQs: Your Questions Answered at Seomra Salainn

Salt Therapy

Here is our list of frequently asked questions, if we are missing a question, you think is important, please email us at so we can add it to these and make your experience even more relaxing.

What to wear
  • Wear comfortable, light-coloured clothing to avoid noticeable salt particles.
  • Any salt visible on your clothing can be brushed off easily after the session.
  • For the treatment of skin conditions, we recommend wearing short sleeves tops and/or shorts, changing room available.
Prior to the start of a session
  • Please sanitise your hands before entering the Salt Rooms.
  • We kindly ask you to arrive 5 minutes earlier for all appointments thereafter.
  • The sessions will start on time. We will not be able to extend the session time if you are late due to other clients in the same session.
  • We provide shoe covers but would ask to bring spare sockets where possible.
During your session
  • We do not recommend exposing any electronic devices as the salt microcrystals can damage your devices, which we will not be responsible for.
  • If you do use your phone, it is advised to put it in a clear plastic bag and to lower the brightness to not distract the other clients.
  • Phone conversations are not permitted and all mobile phones must be on silent (not vibrate) at all times.
  • Food & Drinks are not permitted in the Salt Rooms, water only. Please bring water with you for the session.
The Adult Therapy Room
  • There can be up to 4 adults present at any one time.
  • With respect to other clients, please by keeping conversations to a minimum.
  • You are welcome to bring your own devices to listen to music or a podcast. However, we advise you to leave them outside and allow yourself to detox.
The Family Salt Therapy Room
  • The room can fit up to a family of 6.
  • With respect to the other clients, please maintain an appropriate noise level.
  • We have Netflix available for the session, just let us know on arrival your movie choice.
  • All Family room sessions are private sessions for one booking at a time.
  • There is a minimum booking of a family of 2 for each session.
Side effects after the treatment?
  • You may experience a slight throat tickle which can be alleviated by drinking water.
  • Highly sensitive individuals may experience slight skin irritation/red patches, however, will typically go away after multiple sessions.
  • You may experience increased coughing. This is a good sign the therapy is working as it’s supporting a natural method of ridding mucus build-u

FAQs: Your Questions Answered at Seomra Salainn


Here is our list of frequently asked questions, if we are missing a question, you think is important, please email us at so we can add it to these and make your experience even more relaxing.

How long is a session?

We provide 30-minute sessions to allow you to get an all-over body treatment.

How many sessions would I need to do to recover from my ailment?

There is no exact number of sessions as everyone presents with different levels of pain, injury etc, our general advice is with acute injuries (sprains, abrasions, etc.) show rapid improvement and often resolve in 2-5 treatments. For long-term and chronic conditions you may need up to 10 treatments to achieve the benefits you desire. We would recommend doing 3 times per week until your desired relief needs are achieved, and thereafter to reduce to 1-2 times per week for maintenance. If you are an athlete with a rigorous workload, 3-5 times per week is recommended for optimal relief

Am I at risk of any side effects from a series of sessions?

No, the treatment is non-toxic, non-invasive, and has no side effects. It is safe and effective for most people.

Are there any contraindications?

Please see our section on contraindications on our website.

What is the appropriate clothing for a session?

Delivering natural light to more surface area of your body leads to better light therapy outcomes, we would therefore recommend that you wear a swimsuit to allow your body maximum exposure to the light. A further reason for this is that those areas of the body not exposed directly to the light will not benefit from the therapy.

Do I need to wear protective covers over my eyes?

The wavelength of red light is healthy for your eyes. However, we provide you with goggles for your session and require you to wear same, please see our list of contraindications for Red Light Therapy if you have any further concerns.

Do I need to do anything before my session?

Remove all jewellery before entering the suite. Remove all makeup, and use no lotions on your skin before the session. You must be properly Hydrated before a session as it is vital to the success of the treatments, please ensure you have drunk sufficient water ahead of your session.

Is the light hot?

The light panel does not give out heat during the sessions, but we have the suite preheated to 22 degrees. You may feel warmer as your circulation increases during the treatment, which may give you a feeling of warmth. Also possible is a quick energy boost or a feeling of euphoria.

Do I need to do anything after my session?

Yes, it is essential that you drink plenty of water as water is essential for your cellular processes, and your cells will be hard at work after the session. Make sure to drink water and eat properly so your cells have what they need to heal.

How can I tell if the sessions are of benefit to me?

You should feel your pain levels for acute or chronic conditions reducing, with regards to skin issues improvements in the colour or texture of scars, and improvements in skin texture and tone. You should find your quality of sleep, and energy levels are improving also, recovery time post workout is quicker than before, and improved energy levels throughout the day are all good indicators that the
sessions are beneficial.

The wavelength of our Red Light therapy

Red Light (650nm) and near-infrared (850nm) to offer you’re the best therapy available


FAQs: Your Questions Answered at Seomra Salainn


Here is our list of frequently asked questions, if we are missing a question, you think is important, please email us at so we can add it to these and make your experience even more relaxing.

What do I wear while using the Ice Bath?

We ask that you wear swimwear.

Do I need to shower before a session?

Yes, we ask that you rinse down with just water before using our Ice Bath.

Is there ice in the bath?

Unless you are a seasoned user of Ice baths it will be preset at 3 Degrees Celsius, ice will only form at 0.5 degrees Celsius. However, our Brass Monkey ice bath uses an engine to regulate and maintain the very low temperatures therefore actual ice is not needed.

Can more than one person attend a session?

We ask that one person at a time for your Recovery Or Chill Out to allow you fully focus on the benefits of the session.

What must I bring for my session?

Just you and swimwear, we provide towels and toiletries for showering.

Is the Ice Bath Suite private?

All our suites in the Wellness Centre are private allowing you to relax and get the full experience without interruption.

What are the conditions that will prohibit the use of the Ice Bath?

Please see our full list of contraindications on our website or when completing your waiver before attending your first sessio with us.

How long does a session last?

The session is a part of our Recovery Or Chill Out Sessions, we would recommend between 3-5 mins in total to get the full benefits of the Ice Bath, however your maximum time should be 10 minutes. Please note you must:

  • Showering BEFORE your ice bath session is compulsory and we
    kindly request that you use the towel and floor mat provided.
  • We have set the shower temperature so please do not alter it to avoid damage, tingling or pain to your skin after
    experiencing the temperature of the Ice Bath.
Is it ok to eat before a session?

We would ask that you avoid a big meal beforehand.

What temperature is the Ice Bath at?

It is set at 3 degrees Celsius.

What should I do if I do not feel well?

Stop immediately, and pull the red cord in the room for emergencies and we will attend to you as soon as we are free.

How do I get into the ice bath?

We recommend you may want to first expose your feet and lower legs. Then when you feel comfortable, you can move further into the ice bath so the water comes up toward your chest. We also recommend using the Box Breathing technique during the session.

What do I do if I feel light-headed after the session?

Slowly get out of the bath. Pull the red cord if you need any assistance. Take a seat, take a deep breath if needed, and drink some water provided to help settle yourself.

When is the best time to use an ice bath?

We recommend to get the most for your session you get in an ice bath just after a workout or exercise routine. If you wait more than an hour after the workout, the healing and inflammatory processes in the body have already started or have already finished.

FAQs: Your Questions Answered at Seomra Salainn

Infra Red Sauna

Here is our list of frequently asked questions, if we are missing a question, you think is important, please email us at so we can add it to these and make your experience even more relaxing.

1. What is infrared?

infrared is a light wave next to the colour red on the electromagnetic spectrum that is invisible to the human eye but felt as heat. In fact, you’ve likely encountered infrared before as it is commonly used in incubators for newborns, heat lamps and toasters.

2. Is the sauna preheated before the session?

Yes, the sauna is preheated for 30 minutes before the start of your session to ensure you get the most from your session of 30 – 40 minutes depending on your package.

3. What should I wear for the session?

We ask that you wear swimwear.

4. How do I best prepare for my session?

We recommend good hydration as well as a light meal prior to your session to make it as productive as possible, the more water you drink beforehand better results will be achieved.

5. How many other people are allowed in the sauna booth with me?

It is a private session for you and up to two other people. This ensures you get the privacy needed especially if you have a skin condition and want to expose it for the session. Also, it ensures you get to relax as much as possible.

6. Can I bring my mobile phone in for the session?

No, we ask that you turn off your mobile phone for the duration of the session to allow you fully detox.

7. What we it feel like in the sauna?

It should feel both warm & relaxing and as the session progresses you will find that, you’re sweating and heart rate will increase but you will relax calm & relaxed.

8. Do you clean the sauna after each session?

The Infrared heat kills 99% of bacteria for a naturally sterile environment. To further ensure that it’s a sterile environment we clean do the sauna and all touch points after each session with non-toxic spray that kills 99.9% of germs, viruses etc. Your Wellness is always our Number 1 priority.

9. How will I feel after a sauna?

You will feel the same way as if you just did a workout for 30-40mins, after a further 30mins to 1 hour you should start to feel a boost in both your energy levels and mood making you feel more productive, and you should have a very restful night’s sleep that night.

10. What is Chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy is the science of using colours to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. The belief that colour is important in healing has been around for thousands of years rooted in the idea that specific colours in the spectrum of light positively affect your emotions. You can see on our website the different colours and the benefits of each so you can let us know which you want for your session or if you want it to work through them all to get the full benefits. You can also check out the list of benefits from it on our website.

FAQs: Your Questions Answered at Seomra Salainn

Massage Compression Therapy

Here is our list of frequently asked questions, if we are missing a question, you think is important, please email us at so we can add it to these and make your experience even more relaxing.

What do I wear while for the session? 

We would recommend wearing shorts or light tracksuit bottoms to get the most from your session in terms of relief and wearing the appropriate clothing allows your legs to slide more accessible into the boots.

Can more than one person attend a session?

 We can facilitate a group of 3 for each session.

What must I bring for my session? 

Just yourself, a book to read and we have the rest covered.

Is it a private session? 

No, it is not, there can be max 3 people per session unless you have a group booking of 3.  

What are the conditions that will prohibit use of the Compression Boots? 

Please see our full list of contraindications on our website and when completing your waiver before your first session with us.

How long does a session last for? 

The session is 30 mins in total This is an adequate amount of time for the intensity of your training, race, event or recovery.

How often should you use the Compression Boots? 

We would recommend using them 2-3 times per week if you are using them for recovery assisting with reducing swelling, decrease pain, and alleviate muscle stiffness, 30 minutes at Medium or High intensity can greatly accelerate soft tissue healing and speed up recovery time. For those using them as part of the overall wellness we would recommend at least once a week. 

What do the Compression boots actually do for your legs? 

Our Compression Boots use dynamic air compression to create a restorative massage that helps you feel refreshed faster. Normatec’s patented precision pulse technology helps to increase circulation, revive muscles, and reduce swelling and has long been the choice of elite athletes and consumers throughout the globe. We can customize each session with 7 intensity levels and give yourself a little extra attention wherever you need it most with  ZoneBoost™ giving you the ultimate therapy session. 

What the main benefits of Compression Therapy?
  • Flushing of lymphatic fluids and lactic acids, helping remove toxins from your muscles. 
  • Reduced inflammation. 
  • Improved circulation. 
  • Reduced water accumulation. 
  • Accelerated recovery and rehabilitation. 
What intensity level should the boots be set at for my session?

This will be set for you by our staff and monitored throughout the  session and subsequent sessions and is dependent on your recovery  or wellness needs.

Who can use the Compression Boots? 
They are for everyone, from children playing sports, pregnant ladies suffering from swelling, tired legs from standing or sitting all day, footballers, people suffering from lymphedema, poor circulation, restless leg syndrome and so much more. For ages limits, please contact us directly. 
Do Compression boots assist Lymphatic Drainage?

It helps reduce and control lymphoedema. It does this by limiting lymph fluid buildup and helping the fluid move to an area that is draining well. It also provides support that helps muscles pump fluid away. 

What should I do if I do not feel well?

 Press the START/STOP button immediately, then unplug, unzip the boots and go to reception.

FAQs: Your Questions Answered at Seomra Salainn

Massage Chairs & Smart Goggles

Here is our list of frequently asked questions, if we are missing a question, you think is important, please email us at so we can add it to these and make your experience even more relaxing.

What do I wear while for the session? 

We would recommend to light clothing, if possible, shorts/ t-shirt to allow you get the most from the Massage session. Please ensure you are wearing sockets as bare feet not permitted. 

Can more than one person attend a session? 

We can facilitate a group of 2 for each session. 

What must I bring for my session? 

Just yourself, we have the rest covered.

Is it a private session?

 No, it is not, there can be max 2 people per session unless you have a group booking of 2. 

What are the conditions that will prohibit use of the Massage  Chair’s?

Please see our full list of contraindications on our website or when completing your waiver before your first session with us.

How long does a session last for?

The session is 30 mins in total.

How often should you go for a Massage? 

We would recommend once a week for your general wellness if you are using them for recovery assisting with reducing swelling, decrease pain, and alleviate muscle stiffness, then it would be recommended 2-3 times per week until you have sufficiently recovered.

What are the Massage options available or is it just a standard massage? 

We have 6 different types of Massage depending on your wellness needs. Details will be emailed upon confirmation of your booking.

What intensity level should the chairs be set at for my session?

This will be set for you by our staff and monitored throughout the session and subsequent sessions and is dependent on your recovery or wellness needs.

What are the massage options available for the Smart Goggles or is it just a standard massage?

We have 3 different types of massage depending on your wellness needs. These will be emailed to you on confirmation of your booking.

What intensity level should the Smart Goggles be set at for my session?

This will be set by our staff and monitored during the session and is dependent on your wellness needs.

What do I do if I feel unwell / any abnormalities during the session?

Please press the pause button and notify a member of the team.

What is the minimum age limit to use the Massage Chairs & Smart Goggles?

We have it set at 14 years old, but they must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

What should I not wear during the session?

Please remove your watch or any arm bracelets or accessories as your arms will be massage during the session also no remove all hair accessories before you sit into the chair.

Can I use the Massage chairs directly after eating?

We would recommend to not use the chairs for at least 30 minutes after eating to avoid any discomfort.

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*Minimum 6 months contract – 30 Day Notice Period.

“The natural way to improve your wellness”

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“The natural way to improve your wellness”

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Floatation Membership Offer

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For €49


*Minimum 6 months contract – 30 Day Notice Period

“The natural way to improve your wellness”